Contributed Talks

The contributed talks committee is looking for submissions to be considered for presentation at the workshop. The deadline for full consideration is Oct. 5th, 2017.

To submit a position paper please visit the submission site.

Submission instructions: Paper submissions can be full 10 page papers, short two page abstracts, or presentation slides. Please make sure that the submission provides sufficient detail to explain what the talk will be about. As RWC does not have proceedings, we accept contributed talks which are under submission as full papers to conferences and journals with proceedings.

The acceptance criteria are chiefly focused on whether the committee feel that the proposed talk will be of interest to the Real World Crypto audience, and whether we feel the talk will be good.

As quality of talk is a primary selection criteria, submissions should not be anonymous.

Conflict of Interest Policy: A reviewer has a conflict in reviewing a paper if he or she are a co-author on the paper, have a student-advisor relationship with one of the authors, or is a close collaborator, friend, or family member of one of the authors.

Author notification: Acceptance decisions will be sent out on Dec. 4th, 2017

Contributed Talks Committee 2018