The Real World MPC Workshop will bring together MPC practitioners and enthusiasts to discuss how MPC is being deployed and used today to solve real world problems. The workshop program will consist of invited and contributed talks on MPC-related topics such as real-world deployments, use cases, standards, security, formal verification, legal/policy implications, and more! RWMPC 2025 is organized and hosted by the MPC Alliance, whose mission is to accelerate awareness, acceptance, and adoption of MPC technology. is a community of researchers and developers interested in
advancing Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and other secure computation
Join us for a day of interesting presentations, invited talks, poster
presentations, and our very own after-party.
The Real World PQC (RWPQC) Workshop aims to bring together the industry, academia and standardization bodies to explore the tasks ahead on the integration of post-quantum algorithms to networks and systems we use today.